Gospel Saving Church

286 - For Loves Sake



Overview – For Loves Sake. Acts 14:21-28. In our message today, we take a look at a very crazy and dangerous thing that Paul and Barnabas do in the ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ. They get done ministering in the city of Derby, where many people are added to the Lord, and instead of staying there to disciple these new believers, they decide to go back through the last 3 cities they had already preached in, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, and that they had exited from, to help those that had turned to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to strengthen the churches that they had planted in those 3 cities. Why do I consider what they did a crazy and dangerous thing? How do they help those new converts in those 3 cities? How do they strengthen the churches in the cities of Lystra, Iconium and Antioch? I answer these questions and much, much more in this sermon titled, “For Loves Sake”, so come and take a listen and be strengthened and encouraged in the Lord Jesus Christ? May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you see