Gospel Saving Church

288 - In The Church



Overview - In The Church. Acts 15:36-41. In our message today we discovered the fact that Paul had a very powerful passion for the work of the Lord, In The Church, hence the title of the message. The well known fact about Paul is that he was a monster evangelist, BUT, and that is a HUGE BUT, not many people know that he was a powerful force, In The Church, and not just a group of people as the church of God all around the world, he was a powerful force and organizer for the local organized religious gatherings of the brick and mortar churches, like the ones that we see in Acts chapter 2 in the first literal church started by the original apostles. Don’t believe me about the Bible speaking about a literal organized church, come and check out the message to see what I have to say and the proof that I will show. May the Lord bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed.