Gospel Saving Church

305 - Godly Tactics



Overview – Godly Tactics. Acts 19:8-10. In our message today we read of Paul going into the local synagogue in Ephesus again. Once he’s in, he stays there for the space of 3 full months, reasoning and persuading with them of things of the kingdom of God. Yet, right after 3 full months, we read of the Jews getting angry and speaking evil of “The Way”, which was to speak against Jesus Christ. “The Way” was so named because Jesus Christ was/is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Now, why would the Jews have spoken evil of “The Way” and so Jesus Christ’s religion, when Paul was just simply in the synagogue speaking of the things of the Kingdom of God? The answer is that he used a Godly tactic. How exactly did a Godly tactic help him present Jesus Christ to them? Come and take a listen to the message and learn the answer. May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed