Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with hot temper 4 脾气火爆爱生气怎么办4



暴躁的性格能改得了吗?Is it possible to change the short-tempered character? 要改掉一个坏习惯,最好的办法莫过于培养一个好习惯。The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to develop a good one. 人的心念不是一成不变的,而是一念一念不断流转、变化的,犹如一条奔腾的河流,如果我们不断向这个河流中加入脏东西,它就越来越黑;如果我们不断清理污垢,它就越来越清。Our thoughts are not unchangeable, flowing one after another like a rushing river. If we keep adding the dirt to the river, it will become darker and darker; If we keep cleaning the dirt, it will get clearer and clearer. “生气”是一种思维习惯,总是发脾气,这个习气就越来越顽固,性格就越来越暴躁;不断改变内心,脾气就越来越小。"Getting angry" is a thinking habit. If you lose your temper all the time, you will reinforce the bad habit and make your character increasingly irritable; Keep changing your mind, and you’ll become less grumpy. 师父,我很易怒,常常控制不住自己发脾气,但事后又后悔,有什么好方法可以控制发脾气吗? Master, I am irritable and often lose my temper uncontrollably, but later I regret it. Is there a good way to control my temper? 脾气暴躁、易怒,就好比内心堆满了易燃物——“嗔烦恼”,外境一点火星就容易引发大火。消防之道,重在平常之防,真正引发火灾后再救是万不得已的办法,而且再怎么救,也会造成很大的损失。Grumpiness and irrita