Advice Line With Roy Masters

Sympathy for Saddam: Attraction Through Abuse



Mike admits that as he watched the Saddam Hussein hanging, he imagined the rope around his own neck.(Clip from episode: K4497) Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes regarding abuse and abusers from Roy Masters’ books:“Dictators "love" people and people "love" their "female" dictators. We see here a case of mutual abuse. Tyrants love the weakness of the people for the sake of the power it gives them, and the vast masses of people love the deception (hypnosis) that is practiced on them by those to whom they have given power. It follows that when people become thoroughly degenerate, they will dig up dictators out of Hell and bestow upon them the power to rule the world with their peculiar madness. How gladly do the utterly demoralized souls accept the exquisite tortures inflicted upon them by the damned of their own making and choosing. So it is with the ego of man; he brings tragedy down about his ears through the very woman he craves-and elects to power.” -Beyond