Advice Line With Roy Masters

The Gift of Seeing the Truth: A Testimonial



Steve is a seeker of truth living in his car. He talks with Roy about how Advice Line has confirmed what he has always recognized as the Truth.(Clip from episode: K4614)Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: Quotes regarding Truth from Roy Masters’ books: “You realize that you believe what you want to believe, don't you? It follows then that if you want to believe the truth you are already graced with the ability to recognize it when you see it or hear it. This being the case, you will begin to see all your enervating habits in a completely different light.”-Secrets of a Parallel Universe “One plus one equals two, does it not? Now I ask you, ‘How do you know that is so?’ And you might reply, ‘My teacher told me.’ Surely that is not a good enough answer. Now if you ask me how I know that one plus one equals two, I shall reply, ‘Because I can see that it is so.’ The reason I can say this is because there is an inner testimony to the fact by the truth which made it a math