Advice Line With Roy Masters

OCD Help Part 2: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Self Help



Podcast Here(Clip from episode: K4535)This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comCan people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder cure themselves of their behavior? In this free podcast, radio counselor Roy Masters explores the possibility of overcoming all the effects of OCD. This is Part 2 in a podcast series on "OCD Help." Part 1 can be found at has been dealing with OCD for over 10 years. Roy explains that obsessive compulsive behavior and thoughts are usually preceded by depression and guilt. OCD, in effect, is a form of psychological projection. While some people project their guilt onto other people, those suffering from OCD project guilt onto an idea that can then be obsessed over. By getting resentfully tied up with this idea or repetitive action, the obsessive compulsive mind is distracted away from the pain that guilt causes their conscience.Would you like to discover true self help, and be free of your obsessive comp