Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Is Racism Worse Than Murder? | Guest: Samuel Sey



Born in Ghana, West Africa, Samuel Sey moved to Canada at age 10. His father suggested he’d rather Samuel wasn't born and walked out on his mother before Samuel’s birth. As a former staff member at the Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Samuel started a blog in response to Black Lives Matter and their antipathy towards efforts to end abortion. Since 2018, when social justice ideology became widely accepted and promoted by prominent evangelicals, his blog has received 500,000 visitors and over 100,000 shares on social media—and it’s rapidly growing. On this episode, among other things, Mark discusses Samuel’s blog posts on social justice and the Evangelical Church, critical race theory, abortion, and Black Lives Matter. Find Samuel at In the second half of the program, Mark shares a road map for the pro-life movement if the SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade.   For your marching orders watch, listen, and share this episode. The Mark Harrington Show is on Mark’s Fa