At Length With Steve Scher. - The House Of Podcasts

"Enrique's Journey," Sonia Nazario



Sonia Nazario on a train in Mexico Sonia Nazario, author of “Enrique’s Journey: the story of a boy’s dangerous odyssey to reunite with his mother” talks to Steve Scher about the plight of one of the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who illegally cross Mexico by freight train and then the U.S. border in order to reunite with their families in the U.S.She spoke to Seattle area audiences April 2015, about America’s Immigration Dilemma and the policies that might help these families. Tens of thousands of Central American children, unaccompanied by parents or other adults are hopping freights and fleeing the drug cartels, the gangs and the thuggish police in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Almost 50 thousand arrived by the middle of the sum