Swap Fu Podcast

Episode 31: Don't assume you're both on the same page. Teaching swingers to take a break before the sex.



Shout outsPositive reviews on iTunes. Keep them coming, they help us share the podcast with other swingers and wanna be swingers.Always, thank you to our awesome listeners and twitter followersFu NewsNaked Condom’s $56 dozen.  Naked FoundationWii Dare you to buy this game. More infoTopicRelated to Friends First, Fuck First.  Is it a Part II?: Thank you to the listeners for supplying topic.  How to touch base in the middle of the date to pull the handbrake, or on the positive, let your partner know you want to escalate.Make a Plan and a Plan BMake a communication plan, set a timeAt clubSay hi to friendTalk to DJ, bartenderAt dateText your partner from bathroomLeg squeezeMake it clear that you do not necessarily play on the first dateLimit pre-date conversation: Front-loading date too muchWhere are we going?River Trip June 24 - 26WE LOVE OUR LISTENERS!!We are featuring the song "Breathe" by Telepopmusik as the episode song because we took a short breather away from the podcast to rethink a few t