-an Inside Look With Pastor Burt

Sermon: We Are His Body, Part 4 - PODCAST!



Gabcast! -An Inside Look With Pastor Burt #8 - We Are His Body, Part 4 - PODCAST!Fourth sermon in the on-going series, "Saying 'Yes' To Being His Church," from Sunday, February 12, 2006. This one's called "We Are His Body, Part 4: Walking In Love." Please note that this message is 65 minutes long. gabcast.com The outline for this sermon has already been published HERE. If anyone wants to subscribe to the podcasts that I am offering (using iTunes or other podcast software), the feed url is http://www.gabcast.com/casts/253/rss/rss.xml TECHIE ISSUES: Dial-up connections may experience delays. This podcast was made using a tape recorder and a speaker phone via gabcast. Soon I will be able to make mp3's and post them directly. I am holding off on doing this, however, until I can get the administrators here at LWC to help me with the RSS feed, but it seems like changes are about to happen in this regard! I'm hoping a category specific feed can be created so that the podcasts don't otherwise become qu