Elder Law Today Podcast

Elder Law Today Show #10 The Ins and Outs of FDIC Insurance



In show number 10 of his podcast, Elder Law Today, practicing elder law attorney, Yale Hauptman interviews Anthony Aiello, a compliance officer at Commerce TD Bank on the hot topic of FDIC insurance. For many Americans, the collapse of financial giants such as Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch and Wachovia reminds them of other troubled economic times. Many seniors grew up during the Great Depression of the 1930’s and remember the Savings and Loan scandal of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. The FDIC insurance program was instituted in the 1933 to protect depositors who lost money when their banks went under. Many Americans are now concerned once again about whether their assets are protected. Yale and Anthony discuss the basics of how this insurance coverage works. Learn about the ways to stretch the amount of insurance coverage well beyond the $100,000 limit which most people assume, erroneously, is the maximum. There are different categories of accounts, which are treated separately for i