Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

F@ck the patriarchy! Women in Business with Kriten Franey, Transformational Mindset Coach.



Hi Soul Sisters, Welcome to another episode of Unchain Your Inner Strength podcast. A podcast where women entrepreneurs from all over the world come together to inspire, empower and help women to start creating a life and business they love. This week's special guest is Kristen Franey, Transformational Mindset Coach for female entrepreneurs. I absolutely love chatting with Kristen! You know when you have a great connection with someone, although you only met them a couple of times and feels like you know them forever? Like a sister? That's kinda how this interview went down, a conversation with a long time friend. We talked about the Matriarchy (so hard to pronounce! maybe because we don't use it as often as we should) and how inspiring it is to see more women in business, doing something they love. We talk about the increase of online businesses due to our current situation. About how the world is shifting and going back to the basics, appreciating what's important in life and giving mother earth a break.