Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

What is Stopping us from showing up for Ourselves? With Kathy Sanderson, Spiritual Therapist and Inner Child Healer



Hello Soul Sisters, Welcome to another episode of our weekly podcast, Unchain Your Inner Strength. A podcast where women from all background and niches, share their most valuable Mindset and Business tips to help you thrive in all areas of your life.   This week's special guest is Kathy Sanderson, Spritual Therapist and Inner Child Healer. Kathy and I dive into the depth of women's inner child, traumas that we carry on in life; childhood experiences that  affect the desicions we make and the lives we lead as adults; relationships; guilt, health and much more. Kathy shares some tips on how to heal your inner child to be able to move forward in life, change the way you feel and think about yourself; change old habits for happier and more helpful ones; change the way you feel about your life.   Here's more about Kathy: Kathy Sanderson is a spiritual therapist who specialises in inner child healing. She shows women how their negative experiences or trauma is still affecting them today. She enables them to creat