Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

The Power of PAUSE. Staying in silence and paying attention to your own thoughts with Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach Eillen Bild



Hey Soul Sisters, Welcome to another episode of our weekly podcast, UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH. A podcast to helpand empower entrepreneurs STAND OUT and become more visible by sharing your unique story, inspire, heal and make a bigger impact. Our worldwide guests, some of the most influential women in business today, share their unique story and most valuable mindset and business tools, tips and strategies to help you become more successful in all areas of your life.   In this week's episode we talked about the power of PAUSE. Eillen Bild and I talk about the Power of Puse, Silence and how to listen to our inner self, be able to look at things in a different perspective. The answers to what we want in life are within us and sometimes we get so caught up with the outside voices that we stop trusting ourselves.   Here's more about Eileen and where you can find her: CEO, Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/Core Thinking/Situational Mindsets Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method www.corethinkingblueprint.c