Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Make the most out of your day. Morning routines to keep you focused and motivated with Holly Haynes, Business Strategist



Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal and make a bigger impact. Entrepreneurs worldwide jump into this podcast to bring you their most valuable mindset and business tools, tips and strategies to help you become more succesful in the areas of your life that you need most.   Do you have any routines or rituals that you do religiously every morning of your life?   I have always been sort of a night owl, so when I was in school (long time ago...LOL!), it was a house battle between my mother and I to get me out of bed. Mind you it was dark, freezing and most of the time, I would stay up until crazy hours reading my favorite books or magazine at that time.   As I got older, I promised myself that when I got a job, it would be at night time and I did. For almost 20 years I worked jobs in places that would only open at night with the odd exceptions but my bosses and peers knew better than to schedule me i