Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

The magic is in the FOLLOW UP, with Christine Palm from Sidewalk Property Solutions



CELEBRATE WITH ME, SOUL SISTER! NEW BOOK now available on Amazon! UNCHAIN YOUR INNER WARRIOR: STORIES OF STRENGTH AND TRANSFORMATION 9 powerful stories from real women, who will inspire you to transform your life and live a life you love! . . Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal, and make a bigger impact. This week: All about why you should FOLLOW UP and how to?! What comes to mind when you see the words FOLLOW UP?  Closely chasing clients with your car? Keeping an eye on everything they do on social media? Make sure to keep messaging them so they don't forget about you?... All that sounds a bit creepy, don't you think? LOL! Well, if you are unsure what FOLLOW UP is, how to do it and, why is so important when you're running a business, here are some valuable tips by Christine Palm.  Christine has been a serial entrepreneur for years without any success, until the past 3 years, when eve