Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Signs that is time to make changes in your business with Janine Nicole Dennis, from Talent Think Innovations



JUNE’S MAGAZINE IS NOW OUT! UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH online magazine for Spiritual entrepreneurs is now available on our brand new website As always, everything you need to thrive and shine in life and business. Being your unique authentic self! Click here to grab your copy! . . We are all different, therefore what works for some might not work for others, don't you think?  Social media platforms, strategies, marketing, branding, the key elements to building a successful business, part of you, of course, the indisputable most important ingredient. You have to try, test things out until you find what works best for you and what doesn't suit you. Janine Nicole Dennis joins us for a very special interview this week in UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast for Spiritual entrepreneurs. Janine is the founder of Talent Think Innovations. It exists to evolve and humanize the ideologies, behaviors, and conventions that inform the way we work and live.  It is Ms. Dennis’s be