Dreadful Thoughts: A Penny Dreadful Podcast

Penny Dreadful 106: What Death Can Bring Together



Welcome back to Dreadful Thoughts the fan-run podcast all about Showtime's Penny Dreadful!   On this week's show we're talking about Penny Dreadful's sixth episode: What Death Can Bring Together. This was a week of challenges and failures. Ash failed to research for a fact time, Comcast failed to maintain Brad’s internet connection, and Brad failed to count the number of chambers in a revolver. Steph faced the ultimate challenge of fixing some really rough audio and valiantly conquered the odds to deliver this episode in time. Be sure to listen to the whole thing because the bloopers are strong with this one. Want some free swag from the Showtime Penny Dreadful store? Leave us a kind review on the iTunes store and you might just be the lucky winner to receive a free gift!     Subscribe and Rate us on iTunes.