Dreadful Thoughts: A Penny Dreadful Podcast

Penny Dreadful 108: Grand Guignnol



Welcome back to Dreadful Thoughts the fan-run podcast all about Showtime's Penny Dreadful! All good things must come to an end and that includes the first season of Penny Dreadful.  This week we discuss the season finale of Penny Dreadful: Grand Guignol. As sad as we were to see this season end, we loved watching this episode (well at least three of us did). We talk neckbeards with makeup, dying orchids, and finally find out who was right, and who was wrong about Ethan's true nature.  The season might be over, but don't worry we have all sorts of fun things planned for the offseason. We'll be reading the source material, talking about the best and worst movies and cultural representations of each of the main historical characters, and so many other fun things! Stay tuned, because we've got great things planned!  If you liked what you heard be sure to leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher   Subscribe and Rate us on iTunes or Stitcher. http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=52106&refid=stpr