Dreadful Thoughts: A Penny Dreadful Podcast

Ye Olde Dreadful Story Time



Welcome back to Dreadful Thoughts the fan-run podcast all about Showtime's Penny Dreadful! Welcome to the offseason! If you're new to the show, normally we'd be discussing the latest episode, but since the season is over we don't have a new episode to talk about.  Instead we've started an offseason bookclub to talk about some of the source material.  It's the holiday season and so far the non-denominational, non-religion specific gift giving person or creature has given us a doozy. Due to some crazy technical issues caused by the volatile combination of water and electronics we're postponing our Dorian Wrap Up until January. Worry not for we have something special in store just for you faithful listener: Ye Olde Dreadful Story Time!  We hope you enjoy this episode, and have that you have an enjoyable winter day(or days) of celebration! Have a friend who might like Dreadful Thoughts? Show them the sampler! Check out the Sampler here! If you liked what you heard be sure to leave us a review on iTunes or Stitche