Dreadful Thoughts: A Penny Dreadful Podcast

Dorian Gray in Modern Media



Welcome back to Dreadful Thoughts the fan-run podcast all about Showtime's Penny Dreadful! The time we've been waiting for has finally come. There have been interviews and teases; rumors and conjecture, but no real look at what is to come in season two of Penny Dreadful until this past week when Showtime released the first official trailer for season two. It may have only been two minutes eighteen seconds long but boy oh boy was it a doozy.  This week the ladies of the podcast wrap up Dorian Gray with a look at adaptations in movies, radio plays and really terrible theme songs. We all come out of it with a really strong appreciation for Reeve Carney's portrayal of our favourite Victorian deviant. Plus there's a new bonus round of Fuck, Marry, Kill!   Have a friend who might like Dreadful Thoughts? Show them the sampler! Check out the Sampler here! If you liked what you heard be sure to leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher     Subscribe and Rate us on iTunes or Stitcher.