Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Ease Trauma and Loss by Giving Back with Heather Lagoe



Fan me on FB: me on twitter: out about my online anxiety recovery program:http://givefeartheboot.comRead commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read an extended summary of this podcast here:, generous projects are healing1. Creativity uses brain space.Depression and anxiety need brain space to exist. They use your thoughts to breed more negativity and fear. If you were preoccupied with something purposeful and productive, there would be less time to feel down or afraid. Being creative needs loads of brain space because you are problem solving. This gets your frontal lobe working and heals the effects of loss and trauma on the brain.2. Connecting with others makes you not feel so alone.Isolation compounds any problem that you have, because the self only exists in relationships. And connectin