Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Getting Rid Of OCD And Shame



Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read commentary of this podcast at add to the discussion!   Read transcription of this podcast here:    Summary:   About a year ago, I made a video about OCD and it caused a lot of controversy because I think people didn't understand it. I've been working with people with OCD for a really long time and I've known a lot of people really close to me that have obsessions and compulsions that lead them to do patterns.    Sometimes they're just doing patterns and it's mildly annoying and other times it is so annoying and overwhelming that it takes up a big portion of their lives.   This causes a huge amount of suffering.    People come and go into this state of being. Often people stay in it for a