Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

New Anxieties



Do you ever wonder why you get one anxiety after another? New anxieties aren't really all that new. It's the same ole' Anxiety trying to get your attention with a new shiny threat. Anxiety wants to stay in your life. It doesn't want to leave. It wants to keep you home and alone and feeling awful. That's what Anxiety wants. So... Anxiety is constantly working hard to get or keep your attention with new anxieties. For the savvy person like you, Anxiety has to keep things fresh and new, because you've seen through the other lies it has told you in the past. So Anxiety has to come up with something else to get you to notice it. And boy, does it come up with some doozies.  Listen on why it does that and HOW it is able to do that. Once you know HOW new anxieties are allowed to come in, you will stop them in their tracks!  Did I mention my and my in this video? Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ======================================