Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

How to Open Your Heart (And Why You Need to!)



Humans Crave Connection Humans (with some exceptions) desire connection. It feels good emotional and mentally and to care and be cared about. And a community is literally needed for physical survival. Spiritually, it is what we are here for. So when one keeps their heart closed, they suffer. In today's episode, I am going to share how to open your heart – your BEAUTIFUL heart – without feeling vulnerable. 3 Ways To Open Your Heart Here are three ways you can open your heart even before you get into a relationship. Then you can have confidence going into any friendship, acquaintance, colleague-ship, or romance with your eyes and heart open, knowing that you can trust yourself to keep yourself safe. You can feel solid in your worth and ready to connect to good people around you. You will live long and happy.  Here is the summary: Sing Restorative Backbends Heart-Shining Visualization I hope this episode about How to Open Your Heart (and why you need to!) The Whys and Hows of Heart Opening serves you in findi