Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

How to Handle Disappointment and Failure When Things Don't Go Your Way



How to Handle Disappointment and Failure Feeling disappointed? We've all been there. The promotion we didn't get. The crush who won't text back. The child who just won't take your advice. It all leads to that sinking sense of disappointment right at the seat of your stomach. I got you. You can handle disappointment. Pull up your comfiest chair and watch the video to learn more about these steps! Let's get you feeling better. I hope this podcast about How to Handle Disappointment serves you in finding hope. I have tons of others on how to overcome fear and be happy. Subscribe and keep listening. Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ========================================­=== Get a happiness re-boot in the midst of your busy/crazy life 20 ways to calm from anxiety and panic: Helping kids with anxiety: ========================================­=== Find me here: Follow me on twitter: http: