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#83 - What Terry Crews Can Teach Us About Standing Up For Male Victims



(Content Warning: Sexual Assault) On June 26th, Expendables and Brooklyn 99 star Terry Crews testified before Congress in support of the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights. As part of his advocacy for survivors of rape and sexual assault, Crews talked about his own experience of having been the victim of sexual violence. In doing so he challenged the narrative of what it means to be the survivor of sexual assault... and showed us how we fail male victims of sexual violence. Show Highlights: Why few men ever speak up about having been sexually assaulted How we teach men to not trust other men How we treat male sexual assault as a joke Why the narrative of who can be a victim harms survivors of sexual assault Why rape and sexual assault isn't about sex and so much more. Related Links: Invisible Victims: Men In Abusive Relationships Sexual Harassment and the Toxic Culture of Comics Jonathan Martin and the Quiet Strength of Manhood When Masculinity Fails Men  Understanding Toxic Masculinity