Paging Dr. Nerdlove

#98 - How To Build A Lifestyle That Attracts Amazing Women



When we talk about being more attractive to women, we tend to focus on the surface. We talk about how to dress, what to say, how to act. But that’s the polish, the sizzle, not the substance. It may get people's attention, but without any substance to back it up, it won't keep it. Your lifestyle is what makes you more interesting and more desirable to women. When you have built the right lifestyle, it will bring women into your life without effort. Show Highlights: Why your looks, your job, your bank account or your style isn't what attracts women What we get wrong about attractive lifestyles Why most men live empty, boring lives How authenticity attracts more attention than "cool"  How living an attractive lifestyle brings the right women into your life ...and so much more. Related Links: Five Reasons Your Life Isn't Going To Get Better No More Magic Feathers: The Secret to Real Self Improvement Developing Your Lifestyle Five Simple Ways To Jumpstart Your Life  How To Meet Women, Effortlessly  Don’t fo