Paging Dr. Nerdlove

#114 - The Mistake That's Costing You Dates



This common belief is ruining your relationships and making it impossible to find the dating success you want. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: How one simple change in your mindset means the difference between romantic success and failure How guys sabotage their own chances with women What Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog teach us about Nice Guys and Bad Boys Why being wrong can help you connect with women Why women REALLY choose the "Bad Boy" over the "Nice Guy" ...and so much more. RELATED LINKS: 5 Simple Ways To Jumpstart Your Life What Bad Boys Know That Nice Guys Don't 5 Secrets to Fix Your Love Life Why Nice Guys Lose and Bad Boys Win The Truth About "Nice Guys" The Politics of Dr. Horrible Transcript available at Don’t forget to subscribe and review us on iTunes , Stitcher and on YouTube. Like the podcast? Become a Dr. NerdLove patron at Want more dating advice? Check out my books at