

Previously... Alex has escaped, back into the Heavenfield. He has been picked up by three companions, and now must make the long journey back to the place they call The Fortress. Back at the Maunsworth Research Facility Grace attempts to question Saul Davisson about his experiences in the Field. But he and the team are deeply traumatised, and Grace, carrying responsibility for the accident, is close to breakdown. She finds some solace in the company of Thomas Sullivan, the awkward eccentric, as she attempts to drink away her sorrows. Meanwhile, the mysterious Speers, having been unable to capture Dragor Millovich alive, turns his attention to Maunsworth. For reasons unknow he is attempting to shut down the Facility and the whole Standing Point Project. To this end he sends Gutteridge to hand over a package to a contact working for them within the Facility, the contents of which, Speers believes, will shut down Maunsworth, and put an end to the Heavenfield Project...