The Heavenfield - Official

Episode 11 - An Old Ghost



Previously... Grace discovers that awkward eccentric Thomas Sullivan may be the key to understanding and manipulating the Heavenfield, so she petitions Commander James to allow research to continue. But the news that her Project may have caused a plane crash threatens to derail it for good. Thomas, meanwhile is learning the history of the Heavenfield Project, when Susan Moranne, an assistant librarian, offers to show him information about the mysterious girl in the Chamber. Meanwhile, Alex is finding his journey across the Field tortuous, as he broods upon the deaths of Pattie and Dragor. But upon reaching the fortress they find their way blocked by a horde of nightmarish creatures that have laid siege to it. Alex and his companions know their supplies are gone, and they have no choice but to attempt to break through the attacking army. Driving at full speed through the chaos they are attacked by creature after creature, until their vehicle is finally overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Crashing on is side, Alex is