The Heavenfield - Official

Episode 15 - A Traitor



Previously... The Maunsworth Research Facility is still under investigation for the plane crash caused by the American Speers and his clandestine group. His assistant, Gutteridge, working with an unknown agent within the Maunsworth Facility has placed a computer virus on the Base's systems, manipulating the experiment data in an attempt to shut down the Standing-Point Project. Awkward eccentric Thomas Sullivan throws himself into his research, and finds a new friend in Susan Moranne, a librarian working on the Base. Grace Palmer and Commander James struggle to understand the nature of the Heavenfield, while fending off the air-crash investigation, but the future for the Standing-Point Project looks bleak. Alex, having returned to the Heavenfield, and the Exile Fortress, discovers the group are becoming ever-more fanatical. He is forced by their leader, Dr. Henschel, to return to the Maunsworth Base with the intention of murdering Grace and Thomas, thus destroying the British Research Project. He and his compa