The Heavenfield - Official

Episode 22 - Storm-Clouds



Previously... Now that the Americans have their own Array up and running, they have entered into a desperate arms-race to break the siege around their Entry-Point into the Heavenfield. Speers, in charge of the American forces, is still unaware of the attackers' identity, and is mistakenly convinced that it is the British that hold the Field. Meanwhile, Alex, having escaped the Exile fortress, has reached the Maunsworth Entry-Point, and finds himself a prisoner once again, this time to the British. Henschel, having helped Alex escape the fortress has opened it up to the attacking Demon army, sealing its destruction. The British expedition team fight their way back to the Entry-Point and escape to safety, but the Exile forces hold the Heavenfield-side of the Doorway now. The spy within Maunsworth, who has been passing information to Gutteridge and the Americans has been uncovered, and her attempts to destroy the Array averted. For the time-being it seems that all forces face an uneasy stalemate......