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Ep. 210 | Key Questions For a Thriving Life With Marc Champagne



Questions. A mentor, Dr. John Demartini once told me —the quality of the questions you ask will determine the quality of our lives. But there’s a problem: when we run our lives on auto-pilot, we aren’t aware of the questions we’re asking. Which means we ask questions like: How could I ever afford to do that? Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I seem to be further along? Instead, what if you flipped the above and asked: How can I create more value? What’s the competitive advantage this gives me? Where can I truly celebrate the blessings I have today? Enter my latest guest, Marc Champagne. Marc believes we’re all one question away from a completely different life. He’s studied the minds of people like Kobe Bryant, Maya Angelou, Naveen Jain, James Clear, Picasso, Stephen Hawking and created a book called Personal Socrates: Questions That Will Upgrade Your Life from Legends and World-Class Performers. In today's conversation, Marc Champagne and I dive into the power of "mental fitness", what wisdom