Friends At The Table

Twilight Mirage 57: The Siege of the Lineage Brighton Pt. 1



In the year that followed the Miracle, the Brighton Lineage leveraged their skill as diplomats (and their resort-quality holdings) to gain favor with factions throughout the Mirage. So succesful were they that they became the de jure rulers of the Rogue Wave, supported not by a fleet of their own, but through a collection of treaties to the military powers of the Quire system. But with the arrival of Our Profit, the creation of Parhelia, and the revelation of the Rapid Evening, the system has been thrown into disaray, and the Brightons have been left without their external support. Smelling blood in the water--and spurred on by the relic-hunters of Advent--the Herringbone Flotilla, former leaders of the Rogue Wave, have finally struck. It is the first extended battle of the Post-Miracle Mirage, a war without guns, yet filled with bloodshed. Over the last month, Even Gardner, Echo Reverie, and Gig Kephart have helped the Brightons in keeping civilians safe from harm. They've also uncovered the real reason for