Friends At The Table

Twilight Mirage 58: The Siege of the Lineage Brighton Pt. 2



On paper, the Notion's mission to protect the Wandering Sea from the cruel talons of Advent is going well: They've secured the massive, mysterious cube that contains what they need to free the sea. They've reunited, having secured Echo Reverie from the dock at the city of Perigiean. Gig Kephart has recovered from a major injury more ready than ever to jump into danger. And they're heading into space, where pilot Even Gardner is most in his demesne. And yet there is something off about today. The mystery of a closed box, maybe. Or perhaps it is Even's devotion to the larger mission at hand. And then there's Gig's fervant desire to dive into the fray--he who was once a filmmaker now throwing himself into conflict like a mercenary. And certainly, laying under all of these things, there is Echo's lingering knowledge that family ties can not be left behind at the dinner table--and the nagging feeling that some connections may last even longer still... This week on Twilight Mirage: The Siege of the Lineage Brighton