Friends At The Table

The Road to PARTIZAN 11: Summary & Recap



Welcome to the final episode of the Road to PARTIZAN. This week, Dre, Jack, and Austin talk through and discuss through the entirely timeline of events, reflecting the events of the past 10 weeks of play and as outlined during the Microscope games from the past two weeks. For your convenience, we’ve added the Microscope timeline below to help you follow along. There are even a few new events added to round a few things out and fill in a few key details.  Whether you’re a new Friends at the Table fan listening for a quick snapshot of the lore leading to PARTIZAN, or if you’re hoping to remind yourself of everything that happened on the way here, thanks for listening! I hope you’re looking forward to next week’s episode, PARTIZAN 00, as much as we are!   This week on The Road to PARTIZAN 11: Summary & Recap ////PARTIZAN PALACE DATE ENTRY | 100 P.M. 03 43 \\\\ . . . ///OPERATION: CHOOSE SECTION: ANNOUNCEMENTS && PLATFORM | DISPLAY TOP RESULT\\\ . . . //WELCOME TO THE PALACE\\ . . . /OPERATION: EX