Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 12: A Call From an Island



With the “kidnapping” of Gur Sevraq spread far and wide, each Stel on Partizan spins up for war—even though some have not yet decided who they will come to blows with. In the heat of this moment, the Isles of Logos have become more important than ever, with shipments passing through the port and transports stopping to refuel on route to some combat maneuver.  But for the Disciples of Logos on the island, whose leader has seemingly vanished not once, but twice, these developments have earned even greater concern. Unsure of Sevraq’s location, the Church of the Resin Heart requests aid from the Society of Banners and Bright Returns, who use the trip to the isles to find their own relief… and profit. This week on PARTIZAN: A Call From an Island ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ The Isles of Logos: An independent nation built by the followers of the prophet Logos Kantel’s around their very first church. Though only a small handful of islands in the Prophet’s Sea, the Isles keep a standing defense force tha