Friends At The Table

Bonus Episode: Sports Are Just Numerology



Hey everyone, welcome to a very special bonus episode of Friends at the Table. As we said on Twitter, we're currently taking a few weeks off after the end of Kingdom to catch up on things, prep for the rest of PARTIZAN, and generally tak ea break.  Many of us here on the show have spent some of that break by playing Blaseball, the internet sensation that VICE's Gita Jackson describes as "an online, joke-y, facsimile of [baseball] ...  about baseball fandom, and the bullshit that goes along with it." It's an absolute blast, and because so many of us were getting into it, Art had the great idea of wanting to sponsor a season or two of the game. So, he reached out, we chatted with the folks behind Blaseball (though we didn't get to meet the commissioner himself), and here we are.  If you are just joining us for the first time as a fan of Blaseball who doesn't know anything about us, we hope this episode is an enjoyable introduction into the sort of stories we tell and games we play. If you're a fan of ours who