Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 30: A Cemetery for Heroes



Content Warnings for this Episode Throughout: Violence During a Public Event 00:00 - 20:30: Disrespect of the Dead, Implied Disrespect of a Dead Body  1:41:00 - End: Death, Deliberation about Character Sacrifice, Suicide by Sacrifice, Immolation, Violence During a Public Event,  Hey everyone, this has been a really heavy week: Wildfires across the western United States, Hurricane Laura in the Caribbean and gulf states, the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha and the murder of two Black Lives Matter protesters by Kyle Rittenhouse, all during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Given all of that, we wanted to be very upfront about the content of this week’s episode, which is also a pretty heavy one.  We stand in solidarity with those who are suffering right now--both under the weight of police brutality and natural disaster--, and we know that even natural disasters often cut hardest against those in the margins. So I hope you’ll take a moment to consider helping those in need right now. Below are a small coll