Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 31: The Grand Premiere



It has been just over fifty days since Millennium Break took Cruciat, and each day has been more busy than the last. The hammer of the Principality fell on the organization’s independent cells across the moon, and now the leaders of Millennium Break seek allies wherever they can find them. No potential partner in the fight against tyranny is more important than the Isle of Logos. As a sovereign nation with key control in Partizan’s great sea, the Isle could offer Millennium Break a literal port in troubled waters. And so, Gucci Garantine and Apparatus Aperitif have spent the better part of a month negotiating towards that end.  Protecting these ever-moving negotiations has been trying, as SBBR can attest to. Even the quiet days, where nothing happens, require utmost focus and practiced determination. Yet they cannot hope for such a today to be such a day: One where the only red they see is that of the carpet rolled out for VIPs, where the only flash in their eyes comes from the cameras capturing the event.  T