Friends At The Table




For Kalar Anakalar and Phrygian, SBBR’s newest recruits, it seemed like another boilerplate mission. A too-warm, too-quiet night in seaside town, making sure that the people in suits and dresses could go about their politicking and gallivanting in safety. But when Ver’Million Blue called in a strange occurrence at the Strand Semaphore station to the north of Auspice, they understood this would be no ordinary mission. But no warning would prepare these new recruits--or the rest of SBBR for that matter--for GLORY, and the hardest fight they’d faced yet. This week on PARTIZAN: GLORY Arrives ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ The Isle of Logos: An independent nation built by the followers of the prophet Logos Kantel’s around their very first church. Though only a small handful of islands in the Prophet’s Sea, the Isles keep a standing defense force that rivals any individual unit of the Major Stels. The Branched: A post-human society of beings who have transformed their bodies into forms terrifying and spe