Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 33: A Single Shot



Inside of the High Altar, dignitaries sit under the flickering light of a projector, while above them, the very subjects of the film they watch fend off an attack that threatens their lives. The divine Motion and GLORY, a unit of cloned Apostolosian supersoldiers which she has taken on as her pet project, have descended onto the small city of Auspice only to run headfirst into SBBR. The initial skirmishes have seen both sides battered and bruised, with schemes blooming into flowers of blood across the battlefield. As the night continues, every step locks into place, a dance sweeping across the city towards a final, desperate dip.  This week on PARTIZAN: A Single Shot ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ The Isle of Logos: An independent nation built by the followers of the prophet Logos Kantel’s around their very first church. Though only a small handful of islands in the Prophet’s Sea, the Isles keep a standing defense force that rivals any individual unit of the Major Stels. The Branched: A post-human