Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 34: Guests, Invited and Otherwise



After months away, SBBR has finally returned to Oxbridge, only to find it burning. Every day, the city is rocked by its own political revolution, as members of the Organization for the Foundation of the Orion Republic--who seek to reform Stel Orion as a league of independent republics--fight against Principality loyalists in the streets, alleys, and canals of the Stel’s largest city on Partizan. The City of Little and Plenty is scarring over. But SBBR (and much of Millennium Break) have their own wounds to attend to.  This week on PARTIZAN: Guests, Invited and Otherwise ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ Organization for the Foundation of the Orion Republic (OFOR): A group of growing import in Orion territory, who advocate for Orion’s secession from the Divine Princiipality and re-establishment as a league of democratic, merchant republics. Both OFOR and their opposition, the yet-unnamed Principality loyalist faction, have support across class demographics. Many.corporations and independent guilds see