Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 38: The Red Light



As the shape in the sea draws ever near, much of SBBR--with the help of their rivals in the Company of the Spade--begin to evacuate hundreds of thousands out of a city of millions. But Kal'mera Broun turns elsewhere, to their ship, looking for guidance before this new invader arrives.   This week on PARTIZAN: The Red Light  ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ Organization for the Foundation of the Orion Republic (OFOR): A group of growing import in Orion territory, who advocate for Orion’s secession from the Divine Princiipality and re-establishment as a league of democratic, merchant republics. Both OFOR and their opposition, the yet-unnamed Principality loyalist faction, have support across class demographics. Many.corporations and independent guilds see OFOR as an opportunity for additional profit, while others believe that leaving the Principality is a risk too great to take. The Party of the Wolf: One of two quickly growing parties inside of Millennium Break, named for their fallen hero, Valence. T