Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 39: Escape Velocity



In a hanger on a beach on the Isles of Logos, Kal’Mera Broun, Jesset City, Ver’Million Blue, Thisbe, Eiden Teak, Avar, Ryrira, and Si’Dra Balos stand around a spaceship. In just over a week, if all goes to plan, they will be inside of it and it will be outside of the Partizan system.  First, though, they’ll need to secure a launch platform, get past security checkpoints on and off world, and ensure the safety of not only themselves but the materials they’ll need to actually build something wherever they end up. If, that is, they decide they want to build anything together at all... This week on PARTIZAN: Escape Velocity ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ Organization for the Foundation of the Orion Republic (OFOR): A group of growing import in Orion territory, who advocate for Orion’s secession from the Divine Princiipality and re-establishment as a league of democratic, merchant republics. Both OFOR and their opposition, the yet-unnamed Principality loyalist faction, have support across class demograp