Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 43: The Tunnels Beneath



Miles to the south of the Chasmata Quarry, AO Rooke loads an artillery shell into cannon. It’s the third to be fired, in a set of 50. He is providing cover, he was told, for the operation’s infiltration unit to get what it was they needed. “Except,” he worried to himself, “the infiltration unit did not know what it was they needed. He punctuated his concern by slamming the hatch on the howitzer shut. “And that crew, specifically,” he thought, “is a strange fit for infiltration to begin with.” And so AO Rooke had a thought: He and his crew would fire 50 rounds into the sky towards the Quarry. But he would do so at two-thirds the normal speed, giving Kalar, Phrygian, Sovereign Immunity, and the Figure in Bismuth just a little more time before the attention of the mysterious base fell on them. This week on PARTIZAN: The Tunnels Beneath ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ House Chasmata: Despite not being the highest ranking house on Partizan, the Chasmata family has governed Stel Kesh’s holdings on the moo