Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 44: The Prison at the Top of the World



For generations, the Chasmata family has had an outsized place in the politics of Stel Kesh. Certainly, they were as loyal and stately as any other great house of the self-proclaimed First Stel. But their income, prestige, and reach seemed to exceed their material position in the Principality. Partly, this had to do with the dynasty’s close ties to the Curtain. Like the Kesh family itself, many children of House Chasmata would go on to serve in the Principality’s most secret and sacred institution. But there was something else, too. A reward, perhaps, for a most difficult service. This week on PARTIZAN: The Prison at the Top of the World ///Operation Dossier\\\ //Organizations\\ House Chasmata: Despite not being the highest ranking house on Partizan, the Chasmata family has governed Stel Kesh’s holdings on the moon for as long as Kesh has been here. But in the last century, the family seems more interested in an archeological dig in the northern ice cap than in managing its estates. This has not, unfortunatel