Friends At The Table

PARTIZAN 45: Operation Shackled Sun: Act 1: The Fray



It is the year 1424 of the Perfect Millennium. It is now.  In the chaos-depths of Girandole, the Pact of Necessary Venture is shackling a god to an engine, an engine that would become a star, a star that would consume Partizan. A small sacrifice, they believe: necessary venture. Because what it will earn is clear: A new era for the galaxy, in which they would be the principled hegemons.  But across the system, those few who know the danger of this plot rally to stop them. A few hundred thousand miles away, on the moon of Partizan, members of MIllennium Break ready their attack force, which will be brought up en masse into orbit by the Reflecting Pool, flagship of their dubious ally, the Witch in Glass. Meanwhile: Rushing from the now-repaired Partizan Portcullis: A Curtain Armada, eager to rendezvous with Mourningbride and finally leash this star system gone feral.  But this climactic clash will not be won with arms alone. Throughout the Principality--war is fought not only on the battlefield, but also across